Nordic Skating in the archipelago, two hours price/person

Guided Nordic skating in the archipelago
Varying sceneryVarying scenery
Varying scenery
Varying scenery
Varying scenery
Shipment: Nouto/Avhämtning/Pickup at our location for 0,00 €
Shipment: No shipment needed. for 0,00 €
Sales price 30,00 €
Price / pc:

We offer a couple of hours of skating - according to your group skill levels

First of all - sea ice is constantly changing. The same minute, the same body of water can carry ice that could carry a lorry, while a hundred meters away, ducks could be swimming. You either need skills to evaluate the risks and quality of the ice,  or you trust your life on advice given by somebody else. Ideally on tour skating you would join a skilled and experienced person for longer distance tour skating. Possibly covering up to a hundred kilometers during a full day.

Second - an experience of ice skating in the archipelago or on lakes and rivers is what thousands of people in the nordic long for when winter sets in. The sounds and the scenery are addicting. The last part of winter 2018 provided fantastic opportunities. We did many shorter scouting and prediction tours that set the base for more advanced tours when the time is right. One tour from town to town along the coast was a distance of 77km from early sunrise to late sunset. Another, planned days in advance of similar distance took us to the islets south west of Kimito islands. The plans anticipated the possibility of our route to be cut off, and had to include a few escape plans. Shorter times and distances require less of alternative planning.


Jöns Aschan
+358 400 411992



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